
 creative index blog
 creative index blog
 creative index blog
 creative index blog
 creative index blog
 creative index blog
 creative index blog
 creative index blog

Just a little glimpse of what I've been up too. Nothing super exciting: a trip back home, my Mom's 50th birthday, our 5 year anniversary, trips to the beach & farmers market, and lots of walks and watermelon eating with my furry sidekick. Not the most exciting Summer, but meaningful none the less.

I'm trying to get better at documenting things we do, even if it is just a walk or beach day. I take my fancy camera with me more and I always have my phone, but honestly, I don't take a lot of pictures! So that is one of my current goals. To snap more pictures and capture the special moments and days that seem to be flying by so fast!


  1. bosco! such a cute guy :) and i love those mason jars.

  2. your dog is so cute!
    love the colorful chairs picture :)

  3. Beautiful photographs and I'm sure you've created some great memories over this summer. Yes, more pictures! I need to do that too. It's a bit hard to carry a fancy camera whilst pushing a pram, but I really need to do that more often. There are so many beautiful things to photograph out there!

  4. Oh my gosh. Your pup is so adorable! & I really like the photo with the colorful outdoor chairs with the American flag waving in the background. Perfect!


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